Five Yoga Poses for Tight Hips for Greater Mobility, One Free Video Tutorial Included
We all encounter the discomfort of tight hips at times. Luckily, yoga is here to help us out. Yoga improves our overall body mobility and helps release tightness in our hips. I've included five recommended yoga poses and One Tutorial on YouTube for free in this article. Read until the end for the free video tutorial.
As always, seek professional guidance for the best results. You can either book a class with us or practice under the guidance of your trusted yoga teacher!
Five Yoga Poses for Tight Hips
Yoga Pose One - Light and Gentle Hip Movement
To Set the Pose: Sitting at the centre of the yoga mat.
Bend your knees and place your palms around one to two palms away from your hip.
Drop your knees left and right while turning your head in the opposite direction.
Practice for around 5 to 10 rounds with steady breathing.
Gentle Movement for tight hips
Gentle Movement for tight hips
Yoga Pose Two - Seated Hip Opener
Seated Hip Opener for Tight Hips
To Set the Pose: Sitting on the floor or elevating your seat on the towel or block.
Bend the left leg and grab the outer part of your left foot.
Set your left knee just below your armpit.
Hold the Pose for around 3 - 5 breaths as long as you feel comfortable.
Yoga Pose Three - Garland Pose and Variations (Malasana / Yogi Squat)
To Set the Pose: Spread the feet shoulder distance apart.
Garland Pose for Tight Hips
Toes are slightly pointing outward.
Place the palms in front of you for the centring.
Keep your spine erect.
If you find it hard to stay in the Pose, place the block underneath your hips.
Yoga Pose Four: Easy Pose and forward fold (Sukhasana)
To Set the Pose: Sitting cross-legged on the floor.
Consider elevating your seat with a block underneath your hips.
Fold forward and rest your arms on the floor or block as long as your spine remains straight.
Seated Easy Pose for Tight Hips
Seated Easy Pose for Tight Hips
Yoga Pose five - Half-Happy Pose
To Set the Pose: Prepare one yoga strap and one yoga block.
Yoga Pose five - Half-Happy Pose
Start by lying flat down on the ground.
Bend the knees with your feet on the ground, then put the block underneath your hips just below your waist.
Next, lift the left leg and hold the left foot directly or hold it with the strap.
Feel the opening of the left hip, and avoid extra pressure on the left knee.
Hold the Pose for around 3 - 5 breaths as long as you feel comfortable.
Yoga Sequence for Tight Hip - Watch the Video on YouTube
Follow through the sequence to release tight hips.
Disclaimer: Content on this channel is for informational purposes only and does not contain medical advice. Please contact your physician or qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding your medical conditions.