7 Chakras Explained - Introduction to Beginner

Meaning of the Word "Chakra"

“Chakra,” the word literally means “wheel” or “circle,” is Psychic Physiology Part of Yoga. However, in the yogic context, a better translation would be “vortex” or “Whirlpool.” (source: reference 1)

Chakras are located at different parts of the human body and are regarded as energy centers. Ancient Indian yoga believes that the human body has seven main energy centers (Seven Chakra), all appearing in a circling wheel shape, receiving and transmitting spiritual energy throughout the body. Therefore, Chakras can also be the life energy control center that governs the energy flow of the mind and body could impact the physical (i.e., organs, physical body), mental and spiritual well-being of a person.

7 Chakras Explained - Introduction to Beginner

Brief Concept of Chakra

Seven Main Chakras travel through the spine, starting from the top of the head to the bottom of the spine. They are also called “the deep inner organs hidden in the body.” In addition to the seven main chakras, we also have many large and small chakras all over the body. Similar to the Chinese Medical System and Acupuncture point of view, the chakras are like the large and small “acupoints” that have their corresponding organs and can affect one’s emotions.

Chakras are believed to receive, digest, distribute and transmit the energy of life. This article briefly introduces the Seven Main Chakras, including their color, body location, governing area, impact, and signs of imbalance.

1 . The Root Chakra (Muladhara) 

Sanskrit:Muladhara मूलाधार चक्र

1 . The Root Chakra (Muladhara) 

Represent: root, sense of security, basic needs, foundation, connection

  • Colour: Red

  • Element: Earth

  • Location: the bottom of the spine

  • Govern: feet, legs, large intestine, and perineum

  • Influence: willpower to survive and body consciousness

  • Signs of Chakra Imbalance: physical fatigue, low back pain, sciatica, constipation, immune dysfunction, irritability (easy to get angry), high/low personal self-esteem, depression, insomnia

2 . The Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

Sanskrit:Svadhishthana स्वाधिष्ठान

2 . The Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

Represent: reproduction, uterus, emotion, sexual energy, pleasure, creativity

  • Colour: Orange

  • Element: Water

  • Location: below the belly button of the human body

  • Govern:  fertility, lower back, and hips, bladder, kidneys, ovaries, testicles

  • Influence: related mood, emotion, intuition, and energy

  • Signs of Chakra Imbalance: low back pain, sciatica, loss of libido, pelvic pain, urinary system or digestive system problems, menstrual problems, irritability, shyness, desire to control, lack of creativity, interpersonal intimacy problems

3 . The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Sanskrit:Manipura मणिपूर

3 . The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Represent: intestinal health, breathing, courage, power, and energy to glow

  • Colour: Yellow

  • Element: Fire

  • Location: located in the belly button

  • Govern: digestion, metabolism, pancreas and spleen, adrenal glands

  • Influence: self-awareness, rationality, and willpower

  • Signs of Chakra Imbalance: stomachache, arthritis, diabetes, adrenal imbalance, anxiety, depression, fear of rejection, indecision

4 . The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Sanskrit:Anahata अनाहत

4 . The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Represent: divine acceptance, love, relationship, enthusiasm, the joy of life

  • Colour: Green

  • Element: Air

  • Location: heart

  • Govern: upper back, thymus, emotions, openness to life

  • Influence: love, compassion, kindness, empathy

  • Signs of Chakra Imbalance: heart disease, asthma, lung disease, despair of emotions, lack of empathy, the obstacle to love, sadness, anger, depression

5 . The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Sanskrit:Vishuddha विशुद्ध

5 . The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Represent: communication, self-expression, harmony, resonance, grace, dream

  • Colour: Blue
    Element: Space

  • Location: throat

  • Govern: hearing, sound intensity, thyroid, parathyroid

  • Influence: related to a person’s communication, self-expression skills, and creativity.

  • Signs of Chakra Imbalance: thyroid dysfunction, sore throat, stiff neck, mouth ulcers, teeth/gums problems, hearing problems, indecision, lack of creativity, mood swings

6 . The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Sanskrit:Ajna आज्ञा

6 . The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Represent: The third eye, intuition, concentration, conscience, dedication, neutrality

  • Colour: Indigo
    Element: Light

  • Location: between eyebrow

  • Govern: creativity, imagination, understanding, pineal gland

  • Influence: related to our reception of external impressions, values ​​, and beliefs

  • Signs of Chakra Imbalance: headaches, sleep disorders, nightmares, learning disabilities, inattention, confusion, depression

7 .The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 

Sanskrit:Sahasrara सहस्रार

7 .The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 

Represent: spirituality, wisdom, bliss

  • Colour: Purple

  • Location: Crown (Top of the head)

  • Govern: all functions of the body and mind and other chakras, as well as the pituitary gland

  • Influence: related to a person’s inspirations, wisdom, visionary and leadership

  • Signs of Chakra Imbalance: tired, sensitive to light and sound, aimless, cold and emotionless, lack of spiritual connection, materialism

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