Free Your Mind from Distractions: 3 Simple Steps Inspired by Yoga Sutra Verse 1.41

"Free Your Mind from Distractions: 3 Simple Steps Inspired by Yoga Sutra Verse 1.41" offers practical tips to help you achieve a clear and distraction-free mind. With the help of Yoga Sutra Verse 1.41, we explore identifying distractions, establishing a distraction-free lifestyle, and living like a yogi. Read on to discover how you can free your mind from distractions and unlock your full potential.

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The Beginner’s Monthly Yoga Sutra Verse - Book One 1.33 - The Undisturbed Mind

Inspired by the Yoga Sutra 1.33  - Escaping from problems is not a solution, so it's essential to acquire the skill of calming the mind. Just like the Yoga Sutra explains, we come across numerous individuals in our daily lives, each engaged in various activities and experiencing different emotions. Some may be happy or sad, praiseworthy or troublesome, elated or downcast. Instead of getting entangled in these external situations, it's important to cultivate the ability to focus on our own path and not others disturb our inner calm. This is where true tranquillity lies.

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Yoga Quotes Inspirations by B.K.S. Iyengar on Life, Practice, Teaching & Mind-Body

If you practice yoga, you know Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar is the foremost yoga guru in the world. His teaching transforms the lives and health of many worldwide, together with many must-read yoga books. The words of Iyengar are inspirational to all of us and often give us a new view when we need guidance in our lives, yoga practice, and even teaching (if you're a yoga teacher).

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